4-H encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their unique skills and talents to the fullest potential. Young people participate in 4-H through clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities. “Learning by doing” through hands on activities and community involvement empowers 4-H’ers to develop and strengthen life skills.

Youth participate in 4-H through school 4-H clubs, community clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities. Although there are many common activities, each county in Tennessee has its own unique programs and areas of emphasis.
4-H is a unique educational program for students in elementary through high school. It encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their skills and talents to the fullest. As 4-H’ers, youth actively participate in activities, events and projects that develop and strengthen life skills. 4-H is open to everyone. Each county has exciting and fun programs!
Contact us to find out about the 4-H clubs in your community.
Listed below are programs offered through the Montgomery County Extension. For more detailed information about the program contact the UT/TSU Montgomery County Extension Office 931-648-5725.
Montgomery County 4-H Clubs, Programs & Projects
Poultry Project
- Please remember that animal project participation requires you to have fenced lots, barns or sheds to house the animals. We do not give the animals to you, but we help you with information as to selection, feeding, showing and marketing your animals.
Animal Projects
- ​Please remember that animal project participation requires you to have fenced lots, barns or sheds to house the animals. We do not give the animals to you, but we help you with information as to selection, feeding, showing and marketing your animals.
4-H Shooting Sports
The Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports Program is a volunteer-led program that teaches life skills through Shooting Sports. Youth learn safety and shooting techniques in the disciplines of archery, BB gun, and shotgun. You will have the opportunity to compete at the regional and state level.
4-H Horse Club
Contact: Kevina Green 4-H Agent
Youth interested in horses meet to share their passion and learn more about horses. Participants can participate in horse bowl, hippology, trail rides, shows, horse judging and much more.
Forestry Judging Team
A team consists of three or four 4-H members. Each member will work independently and the top three scores will be combined to make up the team’s score. Forestry judging trains young people in decision-making skills related to forestry and forest management. 4-H’ers will learn how to identify native species of trees by their twig, fruit and wood, how to identify insects and diseases found in trees of the Tennessee Forest, how to use a compass and basic geometric concepts, and also how to measure trees and evaluate timber.
Clarksville Area Junior Better Beef Show
4-H Youth are able to show 1 or 2 Steers and learn about raising beef cattle, recordkeeping, fitting and showing and market steer management.
Market Lamb Show
4-H youth will feed, train, show and care for sheep project animals as they learn about sheep breeds, selection, grooming, production, management, marketing, reproduction, health and agribusiness careers​
Contact us to find out about the 4-H clubs in your community.